I’m so happy I have cover art for my forthcoming novel Noir Falling to share with you!
The image is “The Draw Bridge” by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (ca. 1761), used with permission from the Princeton University Art Museum, part of a series that the features prominently as a… setting… in my story, so I am quite pleased that Jacob Floyd, publisher at Nightmare Press, and designer Christy Aldridge were able to transform it into such an attractive cover.
The novel, about which I’ll say more as the press releases more information, is primarily surrealist, but also a film-noir-inspired, conspiracy- and paranoia-fueled mystery, with a lot of philosophical reflection that is generally relevant to the plot, without a lot of attention to conventional narrative… some of my best work.
And, it’s not really horror, so if you can’t stomach my other work, you might enjoy this one!