Hardcore Corner

This page features the authors and filmmakers I have interviewed who are doing hardcore/extreme/splatterpunk horror work, of which I have become quite fond. Gore is not enough to qualify work for this category; all the artists and featured works have transgressive aesthetic values in common that help them find a shared niche in dark fiction.

The photos link to the interviews I’ve done with the artists. The names beneath the photos link to pages with more information about the artists, usually personal websites, author pages, or pages with more relevant links.

The “extreme features” are some works I know well and some works I haven’t read (yet). I review rarely, so I’ve read far more works listed here than I’ve reviewed (I’ve seen all the films). By listing works, whether or not I’ve read them, I’m willing to go out on a limb and recommend them because I’ve read and believe in the artists and the works’ reputations. When I have reviews of my own, I link back to the pages with those reviews (scroll to the end), but otherwise the extreme features link back to the works’ Amazon pages.