Building Your Own Macabre Museum, and, Brief Art History for Serious Horror Fans
“Theo” from Artsy (, who may or may not have a last name but has so far concealed it if he does, contacted me one time and got ignored–I figured…
L. Andrew Cooper's Horrific Scribblings
writings, professional information, miscellany
“Theo” from Artsy (, who may or may not have a last name but has so far concealed it if he does, contacted me one time and got ignored–I figured…
Okay, as I say in my editor’s intro, you don’t even have to read my story “Leer Reel” in REEL DARK to get your money’s worth. However, I am grateful…
The converse is not true, but all monsters are hybrids, or at least John Locke thought so, and although I’d like to believe the human imagination isn’t limited in the…
Scheming white male politician. The final word implies the first, and if you’re in the U.S., the power players are still mostly of the middle description (one President doth not…
UPDATE: FB censored my last effort to share this post with the 22,000+ connected to my author page (requires money to reach a significant fraction of that number) because they…